Currently, a company’s
performance cannot be measured only
by its operating, commercial
and economic/financial results.
It also must be evaluated by variables
such as the support
offered to its employees, the quality of the
relationships with all
stakeholders and the attention it pays to
environmental and
social questions, among others. These are segments
that in the
near past were not even mentioned in the management
but today are essential for strategic planning. In other
increasingly, companies are committing themselves in being
part of the communities in which they are inserted.
From this point of view, 2005 was a great year for AES Tietê.
As occurred in previous years, the Company posted
excellent operating
and financial results, a consequence,
also, of the production and
sale of a volume of energy that
was higher than forecasted. Moreover,
the year was
also characterized by an improvement in quality regarding
commitment: with its professionals, with investors,
with public authorities,
with, at last, all of the stakeholders.
This commitment, in practice,can
be translated into
pro-activity, transparency and respect.
Examples of this behavior are not lacking. They include
efforts to increase safety of our professionals
and communities
with regard to electric power accidents;
by the increase in the
number of hours and the diversified
training that is offered; by
the development of cultural actions
and social responsibility activities
in the communities where
the Company is present; and by the environmental
that are undertaken. Today AES Tietê is one of
few companies in the country that has a project to participate
in the world carbon credit market.
The efforts and the actions taken in such areas during 2005
described in this Annual Report. However, just as important
as how much was done is how much is still going to be done.
And it
is important to make clear that no actions are taken on
an isolated
basis. In truth, they are beginnings or middle steps
of medium
and long-term programs, inserted within the
Company’s strategic
plans and with clearly defined objectives.
They are goals that
can be summed up a single phrase:
work to ensure that AES Tietê’s
culture increasingly leads to the
Company’s being evaluated
not only for its performance on its
core business, but also as
an active piece of Brazil’s economy
and society, no matter
how it is analyzed.
José Bernini
Chief Executive Officer